Holidays are usually expected with joy and impatience – after all, this is a chance to really relax, and spend time with family and friends. But sometimes, instead, some of us just get stuck on social media, unable to tear ourselves away from the couch. To prevent this from happening, you should plan all activities in advance (and take out your smartphone less often). We tell you how to have fun on holidays and weekends – and spend them with benefit, joy and in beautiful clothes.
Watching Christmas movies
Well-known and beloved movies will best of all create the mood necessary for the holidays – you can watch them at home, embracing with your loved ones and wrapping yourself in a blanket. It can be foreign films – Home Alone, Love Actually, Little Women, Bridget Jones’s Diary.
Psychologists assure that joint activities help to strengthen the emotional and spiritual connection – it’s just fine if you can also dress in the same style. Choose sweaters in a romantic style – after all, New Year’s stories are always about magic, love and happy endings.
Active walk

You can go skiing in a snowy forest or park, play snowballs with friends or children, build a snowman, make and hang feeders for tits and bullfinches – in a word, have an active and fun time and breathe fresh air. Later you can return home, enter the TonyBet website and play your favourite games.
It’s great if you wear bright sweaters under light waterproof and windproof jackets. In order to make the picture perfect, you can pick up hats in the same style for the whole family.
Meeting with guests
If guests come to the house, we try to look smarter and more interesting – a cardigan with bright graphics and a jumper with a complex geometric pattern are perfect for this.
Options for creative people are to invite a painting teacher and arrange a master class. You can crochet or knit, fold origami or cut paper snowflakes, make bracelets from old bags or bags from old jeans.
Winter photo session

Winter shots have a special appeal – the snow sparkles and shimmers in the sun, and cheeks rosy from frost enhance the attractiveness of the heroes of the photo shoot. Such frames seem romantic and sensual so that later they will cause a feeling of happiness and joy for a very long time when viewed.
For a photoshoot in a Christmas setting or on the street with a Christmas tree, jumpers in the traditional Scandinavian style are perfect – with stars and deer, contrasting and elegant colour combinations. Classic – a combination of white and red, family look photos will look amazing.
Visit parents
We begin to truly understand how much we love and appreciate our parents when we ourselves become adults and face all the problems that they had. It is so important to tell your moms and dads, and grandparents about your love more often – their characters sometimes become not the most pleasant with age, but they still remain important and dear people.
Don’t forget about practical gifts to take with you to visit your parents – for example, you can give them exactly the same warm jumpers as you yourself. A deer sweater is a great choice for the whole family.